Covenant Classical School

The Fine & Performing Arts Programs at Covenant Classical School seek to develop the aesthetic sensibilities of students so that they may delight in the beauty and glory of God and learn to sense the true, the good, and the beautiful. Throughout their Covenant education, students will be taught to enjoy, identify, imitate, discern, and create beautiful art. This means students are developing an eye for what is beautiful and are demonstrating some measure of skill in creating what is beautiful. 

We accomplish this through purposeful instruction in art and music for all students in Kindergarten through 6th Grade, followed by a semester each of Choir and Studio Art in 7th and 8th Grade. Rhetoric students in 9th through 12th Grade then choose between Choir and Studio Art electives, both of which continue to develop technique and offer opportunities for performance and competition. Students in all grade levels showcase their artwork during our annual Gallery Walk event, a wonderful evening of creativity and fellowship for all families. Lastly, students in 5th Grade and up are invited to audition for our annual Shakespeare play in the fall and our musical production in the spring. The most recent productions include Henry IV: Part I and Beauty and the Beast.

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