Covenant Classical School

By the grace of God, the generosity of Covenant donors, and the tireless work of many employees and volunteers, our campus and facilities have been developed with purpose over time. As our programs continue to grow, we plan to include updates about campus improvement projects here. We are committed to prayerfully seeking God's will in all things and trusting Him for every need, and invite you to join us in praying for God's continual guidance. We also invite our community to invest in the mission of our school – including these specific projects – so please reach out to Director of Development Lana Kennedy if you'd like to learn more.

Parking Lot 1

South Parking Lot

September 13: The Lord has blessed our school community with relationships and means of expediting the already arduous approval process for parking lot construction. Thankfully, all permits are in hand after many rounds of adjustments and comments, and our contractor is deploying already! Once rough grading begins, we only face a 30- to 35-day timeframe (weather permitting). 

Baseball Field 1

Cavalier Baseball Field

September 13: Rough grading and compaction work is finally complete after weather delays and other challenges. We are grateful for the Building Committee's perseverance through these issues, and are in a great position for the next steps to happen in rapid succession. Irrigation work began today, and utilities, storm drain components, and other essential elements will begin taking shape soon.

Though we are continuously seeking support for our Covenant Fund – which fulfills our mission, invests in our students, helps cover operational expenses, and keeps tuition accessible – we are also actively seeking support for several campus improvement projects. You can make a gift by clicking on the button below.

Make a Gift toward campus improvement proejcts